Welcome!,These are my handmade creations. (Yup. I made these all without sewing machine! Tired? yup! Happy? Absolutely!)
1. Creation #1
2. Creation #1 with variation
3. Creation #2
4. Creation #3
Ya, Ya. Thanks for the praises. (Hahaha!!)
Of course, these are not my last creations! wait for the next ones!!
Wist list : having a sewing machine. It's so hard making things like this with hand. T_T
1. Creation #1
2. Creation #1 with variation
3. Creation #2
4. Creation #3
Ya, Ya. Thanks for the praises. (Hahaha!!)
Of course, these are not my last creations! wait for the next ones!!
Wist list : having a sewing machine. It's so hard making things like this with hand. T_T
wah...roke adimu ko nggo to?
Iyo ki, kayane aku salah tuku ukuran :P
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