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Showing posts with label I-Draw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I-Draw. Show all posts

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I draw = gift for a friend

Selamat menempuh langkah baru dalam kehidupanmu temanku ;)

Dewi dan Aji

menikah pada 11 Juni 2011


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

John Lennon and Yoko Ono

Yesterday was sooo busy..

kinda exhausted... so sorry if this draw is not to much..

Tribute to John Lennon and Yoko Ono

still sketch and colored with Photoshop 7.0

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ndutz among Cherries

Why since i decided to try to finish my study immediately,  i become very productive in drawing?? T.T

sketched and colored with Photoshop 7.0

*bigger and printable art can be found at : Ndutz among Cherries-DeviantArt

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ajeng on her hijab


having fun again with my photoshop 7.0


- tools used = paint bucket (plain background), pencil tool (sketch), brush tool (coloring), and mouse of course.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Baskara the mountaineer

repro-ing old tiny scanned photo which is to small and blur to be upload to be a profile facebook picture..

basically, i am just having fun with my dear photoshop 7.0 only

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Profile Pictures : High School Paradise (preview pic)

I drawing again!!!
I’m always happy every this little gift of drawing useful once more.
And this time, Okke, my novelist friend, so kind to let me redraw every characters on her teen lit book: High School Paradise, in manga style.
So, here you are! Just a preview picture from all 9 sketches which I presented for Okke.

*For anyone who had read it, guess who is he?

Monday, October 12, 2009

membuat buku cerita anak2 dalam dua hari!

5 dan 6 oktober ini aku mengikuti sebuah workshop ilustrasi buku anak-anak oleh anais ruch dan ria dari papermoon karena pengaruh seorang sahabat.

pertama, kupikir isi workshop bakalan jadi semacam menggambar bersama ilustrasi, atau setidaknya yang mendekati itu.

tapi siapa sangka, ternyata dalam dua hari itu, tiap peserta diminta membuat sebuah buku cerita anak-anak (dengan bentuk apapun, warna apapun, segila imajinasimu), mulai dari konsep hingga finishing. memakai media sketsa dan kolase. dan dipamerkan di galeri lip sampai akhir bulan!

mungkin karena semua peserta benar2 dari background yang berbeda, sungguh, aneh2 benar deh hasilnya.

ada yang membuat buku sepanjang 3 meter kebawah, ada yang 3 meter kesamping, ada yang bikin rumah2an, instalasi tentang anak yang menyelam di toilet, puzzle keliling dunia, dll.

aku sendiri mengambil pop-up untuk buku anak-anakku.

dengan buta sebuta2nya tentang pop-up (dan juga content dari bukuku sendiri), maka inilah yang kuhasilkan :
Buku pop-up amat sangat sederhana dibuat dalam waktu amat sangat terbatas, yang bercerita ketika kamu menemukan sebuah roller coaster di balik semak kebon nenekmu, rooler coaster itu membawamu keliling seluruh indonesia menuju tempat2 eksotik negeri kita ini.

(oooh.. maafkan atas keterbatasan pengetahuanku akan isi dari "bukuku" sendiri ini.. X'D)

intinya, workshop dua hari itu benar-benar fun!!
Cobalah ikut workshop ketrampilan apapun yang diselenggarakan di dekatmu ;)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

my old illustration on Balkon 04-05

digging of my Balkon 2004-2005 copies and at last could borrowing a scanner from one of my best friend.
hmm, not bad. my old sketches. better than notting. :P
illustration Balkon_apr05

illustration Balkon_mei05

illustration Balkon_oct05

*pameran mayat_KCTB 2004

*illustration Balkon_oct04

Playing with Vladstudio Tutorial

mencoba lebih dekat dengan tutorial asyiknya Vladstudio. Hmm.... ngga gitu buruk kan? :p

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

hikaru in action

*proses penempelan kertas2 A4 jadi background panggung

mw pamer.. kalo yang bikin sayapnya itu aku...
(ya ampun... sayap aja bangga!??)


this was a happy time in my first year, when i still love play around everywhere trying something new.
and HIKARU was one of my shelter
a japan lover community which love to made some events

this was an afternoon just before our first (and biggest) event
the hardest time to decor the stage. when i with 2 friends had to stick hundreds of A4 paper to made a background stage.

I don't know why i want to do it...

people around me # 2 = astrid

around 2 years ago...
i', broke. But want to give something to my friend's birthday.
so, i made a sketch of her face - take a picture with my cellphone - and send it as mms to her
along with "happy birthday astrid" .. :p

Skinny n Gigantic

-- sketch of two bestfriend palying guitar together... :)

my newest sketch! still hot from the oven.. :p

my chat friend, gave me job to made him sketch picture of an indie album of his friend. so, why not?
I missed my pencil too.. hehehe

hmm... thank god, he satisfied with this sketch.



tags = buku gambarku

people around me

* my beloved mom

* my best friend's younger brother (almarhum)

* my beloved husband

this time playing with close people faces.
after got short tutorial from sangmerah (thanks a lot!!) who really good in this technique.

with one photo and effort to use mouse as a pencil... i redraw it!

hmm... not so bad i think..

berburu Ikan paus

seorang teman menulis buku cerita anak-anak berjudul "berburu ikan paus".

buku ini berisi tentang sebuah desa lamalera, di pulau lembata, nusa tenggara timur.
tentang kebudayaan mereka yang hidup dari berburu ikan paus koteklama... .

Lomba Iklan

this time, helping my friend who want to made printed advertisement with illustration for a contest

Hari Anak

seorang sahabat di kampus, memintaku membuatkan sketsa untuk poster hari anak dimana dia jadi panitianya di suatu bulan di tahun 2008...

setelah aku mengumpulkan bahan kasar ini, entahlah.. aku tak pernah melihat bagaimana hasil akhirnya.... hmmm....

(nyaris) Ilustrasi cover novel

kubikin tahun 2005, tahun pertama kuliah, bantuin okke yang kala itu hendak menerbitkan salah satu novelnya (aku lupa yang mana judulnya!).

yah... lumayan, nyaris jadi cover novel. (meski sekarang cuma jadi salah satu treasure harddiskku) :p

*aku lupa, manga apa yang kala itu mempengaruhi gaya gambarku... :/

Mural = Eiffel sous la lune

my best friend, call us this time to draw the wall in his campus.

just spontaneity..

this picture got influenced by vladstudio artwork-which are always be my favorite.


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